Mahalaya Paksha is the lunar fortnight in the month of Bhadrapada/Ashwini (September/October) in the Hindu calendar, in which Hindus pay homage to their ancestors or pitrus. Hence, it is also known as Pitru Paksha or the fortnight of the ancestors. This fortnight comes in the krishna paksha or the waning phase of the lunar month. (A lunar month has twenty-eight days out of which fourteen days are for the waxing moon and fourteen days for the waning). Remembrance of our ancestors is so important that Hinduism has kept aside a special fortnight to help us recollect. This year (2024), it starts on the 18th of September and ends on the 3rd of October which is the day of the new moon or amavasya. This day is known as the “Mahalaya Paksha Amavasya” or the new moon that marks the end of this fortnight which has been reserved for the remembrance of our ancestors.
Pitrus (ancestors) do not come to the earth plane at all times. It is believed that they visit the earth during these fifteen days in subtle bodies and seek our attention. Thus, Mahalaya Paksha is a very important timespan to connect with them and acquire their blessings. So, it’s good to keep the house clean during these fifteen days and connect and appease them by performing Shraddham (ritual performed for the departed soul between the 11th and 31st day after they have passed and every year on the same thithi or lunar date) and Tarpanam (an offering of water and cooked rice mixed with black til seeds to the departed soul and to the ancestors in order to get their blessings). This can be done during the death rites and during the Mahalaya Paksha Amavasya.
Most of us do not remember even our parents after a few years of their demise, much less our ancestors and even if we do, it’s only a passing thought. However, it’s an undeniable fact that we stand on the shoulders of those that have gone before us. Countless generations have come and gone because of whom we are what we are today. It’s because someone in ancient times made the discovery of the wheel that we have motor cars today. They are the ones who have made us what we are today. Even our physical and mental characteristics are decided by our ancestors. Our rishis knew very well that gratitude was not a strong point with human beings. Therefore, they kept not just a special day but a whole fortnight to think of our ancestors and show our gratitude to them. Gratitude is a most evolving emotion. It cleanses the mind and brings a sense of peace and well-being.
Actually, we are supposed to perform a special ritual for our parents every year on the lunar day and month on which they died. But we have poor memories and busy lives, so very few care to remember the day on which their parents died. This fortnight is a boon for such people. By doing this ritual on this special day of Mahalaya Paksha Amavasya, one can compensate for the fault of not doing it on the special day on which they died, so most people choose the easy way out.
So please take this opportunity to remember your ancestors and get their blessings.
Hari Aum Tat Sat!