These are found in our ancient Ayurvedic texts.
Food that has not been digested becomes toxic and will affect the health. Hence we should not have a meal until the previous one has been completely digested.
Whole mung dal either cooked or sprouted has the ability to protect the system from disease. Other dals do not have this ability.
Garlic when used as a medicine is capable of healing even broken bones.
Overindulgence in all matters should be avoided. Too much food, too much activity, hoarding of material things which are not necessary.
All vegetable have medicinal properties.
The physician is not the one who controls your health and lifespan.
When the mind is depressed many diseases will start to reappear.
Exercise (this includes yoga), should be done slowly and increased slowly. It will have less effect if done fast.
Food should be chewed slowly and well like a goat eating grass. The saliva is the best and first of all digestives. (Don’t gobble your food).
A shower will cleanse not only your body but your mind and keep off bad dreams.
Do not take a shower immediately after food. The digestive process will be disturbed.
Always use fresh foods. The only things that are better when old are rice and servants!
Our daily food should have the six types of rasas or tastes, Salty, bitter, spicy, pungent, sour and astringent.
After a meal, the stomach should be half filled with food, quarter with water and quarter empty.
Never sit down immediately after a meal. Some light exercise like walking up and down the room should be done.
Hunger is the best sauce for any meal. (Meaning to say never eat if you are not hungry).
People who are constantly worrying age faster.
Even though you may have a lot of work to finish, it is essential to eat at the correct time.
The via media should be followed at all times.
Drink a litre of water on an empty stomach as soon as you get up. This will get rid of constipation and rid the body of toxins.
The person who has a small quantity of the proper food at regulated times is the enemy of the physician! (He will never have to visit a doctor!!)
One can control one’s health and keep off diseases just through food. (Which is had in the above manner).
Disease is mainly due to over eating, lack of exercise and over indulgence. Therefore poor people will be healthier!
Food is the greatest medicine.
Keeping the company of good friends is the best way to lessen depression and disease.
We should never eat when we have fever.
Even a king who can afford yogurt should drink buttermilk for it has no fatty substances as is found in curd and milk.
Never eat when your body is very tired.
You must walk a little after meals otherwise you will put on fat.
Sleeping in the afternoon should be avoided since it will increase fat and disturb your sleep at night.
Our greatest gift is health. Everything else is secondary.
Take care of your body even if everything else has deserted you.
One who practices pranayama daily will not get diseases.
One should always take some curd or buttermilk with every meal. (They aid digestion.)
If you want to be healthy you should take extreme care of the type of food you eat and the method of eating.
The secret of good health is to eat less.
The body has its own capacity for curing diseases. This will be empowered if we take occasional fasts.
Hari Aum Tat Sat!
Please elaborate on last point - fasting. Any article or some words of wisdom on this topic will be quite helpful. Thank you!